Friday, August 10, 2007


A snippit of a conversation that I caught yesterday, between a woman dropping off a critter at the rehab center and the vet:

Woman: My mother-in-law's dog got giardia, and her vet told her that he picked it up from the wild rabbits.
Vet: Well, it's possible, but-
Woman: So, are all of our wild rabbits running around suffering from bloody diarrhea? Why aren't we treating them for it?!
Vet: Wild animals often harbor parasites that would make us-
Woman: *getting more frenzied* Did someone introduce these diseases from a foreign country?! Why isn't the media covering this?! WHY is no one doing anything for our wildlife?!?!
Vet: ALL wildlife carries parasites! They evolved to live with them. They don't get sick from them like we or our pets do. Besides, your dog more likely got the parasite from another dog.
Woman: Oh. Well, thanks for your help, you sound very knowledgeable.

From Chris: I found a photo of these killer rabbits that the media wont report. Beware...

1 comment:

Bjorn Watland said...

What? Behind the rabbit?