Monday, March 26, 2007

LA here I am!

Well here I am, over 24 hours in Los Angeles. So far it has been how do you say, ridiculous? Day one was was drinks and then sushi and then bed. I landed here at 9:10 PM right on time after a great flight from MPLS. Today started out by going to brunch with Cletus's friends by the beach, exploring the beach a bit, and then going off to visit a house Cletus is working on in the hills here. Quite a spectacular project I think, a house that is worthy of the views its windows take in. Then off to another party overlooking the beach, and so on. Ridiculous? certainly. Fun? Absolutely.

Also, my initial and overwhelming first impression of LA is what I call car porn. I'm going to get linky because to post pictures would be too much. For example, what I consider to be a fantastic car, the BMW 335i is an entry level car here. Consider it an Honda Accord in Minneapolis terms. Then when you start getting good you get a Mercades R230 that I rode in today, then thats ok because when you start turning heads you want a Lamborghini, and in my personal opinion, the only thing that makes my jaw really drop is seeing a Farrari drive by. Oh an some Porsche 911's drove by too. It has been one day, and about the only car that I have not seen is an Enzo. Yes, this all = car. porn. Apparently, my STI (EDIT:better photo) and Evo are not real popular here. I just saw a few today. But thats ok, they are meant for tougher stuff. Snow, gravel and mud are not in high demand here.

Ok, enough gushing about cars. I have been having a great time here. I have been thinking a lot about my future and business and what I need to know to move forward. It is all thought provoking. Tomorrow its off to college where Cletus will be teaching and I will try and unpack some of what I learned today. Its an adventure thats for sure!

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