Monday, February 05, 2007

"Every morning I seize the day, but by noon it has escaped..."

Well, test is over. I think this one may be this semester's "sacrificial test"- one grade sacrificed for the sake of going to the MVMA convention. It was worth it (I hope).

With that out of the way, I can start thinking seriously about getting a new laptop. Here are the potential scenarios:

1) The insurance company decides to pay me the amount I paid for my first laptop ($1300), making it possible for me to buy the newer model of my Macbook.

2) The insurance company decides to pay me the amount my laptop was worth, since it was 6 months old and there's now a new model out. This means I should try to get an exact replacement of my Macbook (~$1000 when they appear on the Apple refurb page).

3) The insurance company for whatever reason decides that my laptop wasn't covered, leaving me totally screwed financially.

So... since I don't know what the insurance company is up to, I feel like I can't make a decision either way. I'm in limbo. I can afford to buy a new one right now, but how do I decide when I don't know how big the insurance check will be? Do I buy a new Macbook? Do I replace my old one? Do I go as cheap as possible, even though I loved loved loved my Blackbook?

Any opinions are welcome............

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