This fall I have decided to really ratchet up our farmers market buying, since if you can handle the volume the cost hardly increases. For example, to buy 4-5 nice tomatoes costs $3 now. But for $10, you can buy half a peck of tomatoes, which is a completely full shopping bag worth of them. Hundreds! So I bought a 1/2 peck and tonight blanched off all their skins, cut them in half, and froze them in freezer bags. I also made a large pot of fresh tomato sauce that I will freeze as well. Megan also mentioned canning, which would be the ultimate in farmers market preservation. It still scares me somehow, but I would love to try.
The second fun event is Megan's parent's apple tree had another bumper year this year, after taking last year off. Last weekend we went and picked two large boxes full, with 5 times as many still on the tree. Tomorrow D. and I are going to crush and press the apples to make a cider, that we plan on using in our next beer in place of most of the water. There will be lots of cider making this fall I hope!
Finally to make our 19th century lifestyle complete, Megan made a watermelon rind pie in honor of my Grandma's fabulous watermelon rind pickles. It is fantastic, with a very fall-like combination of nuts, spices, and raisins.
Enjoy the slideshow!