Monday, June 15, 2009

Rotation #4: Elective Small Animal Surgery

I promised this one would be more exciting! I started Elective Small Animal Surgery (ESAS) today, which means I'll be performing around 6 surgical procedures over the next two weeks. Hopefully I'll get to do a cat and dog spay, and a cat and dog neuter, plus maybe some other types of surgeries depending on the needs of the animals (i.e. dental cleanings, mass removals, etc). All of the critters that we'll work on come from local shelters and rescue groups. Here are our animals that will go under the knife tomorrow...

Chica the chihuahua, who is just as nervous as this photo makes her look:

Jackie the 9 week old calico kitten:

Tiger the tomcat (my surgery!):

There will be three new animals every day- I'll try to remember to post pictures of everyone!

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