Sunday, May 13, 2007

New Map

(Click to enlarge)

New map out on the web now showing their back burn work that stops right at the end of the road on the south side of Gunflint lake, goes down to the north edge of loon, wraps around the east end of loon lake and ends again along the gunflint trail. All the lines in black are the "lines" they keep talking about. Those are not necessarily contained but are edges that are holding for now. This map also illustrates the fingering going on in Canada right now.

This map looks very impressive. I wish I could get a hold of the map they talked about on WTIP showing the recent history of fire in the area. Like I said way back, the only two ways to really stop a fire is for it to either rain or for it to hit an area that has recently burned. Lets hope for rain tonight!

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