Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Job update: I have been talking to Larsen for the past week or so, showing people my web page and such. Today I got word of the position that would be available for me to apply to and it sounds great. "Interactive Developer Internship." Very challenging, but I would no doubt learn a whole lot, and it's paid. Hours and time commitment flexible.

The challenge comes in here. Their ideal developer intern would have the ablity to hand code XHTML & CSS , a "keen eye" for design - however this is not a design position, "Proficiency with the basics of programming theory and logic". They also would like experence in AJAX, PHP/mySQL, and ActionScript and Object Orented Programing. Of those things, I am very strong in the ActionScript and design, medium on the programing theory and logic, and am out of date on all the rest.

Lets see, I might start here...

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